Empowering the Next Generation

Saturday, January 25, 2025

This Pro Knew How to Pose


Last week's mention of Yoga makes it deserve another look. Jeanie was a Yoga instructor. She

partnered with us for a demonstration. Imagine Martial Arts and Yoga on the same stage.

But this is about Jeanie (Not her real name). She had a plush Yoga Studio with a dedicated clientele.

What is interesting is one is never greeted but pounced on withe words "Shoes off." It was if

the studio was more important than the clientele only seeking stress relief and quality time.

But Jeanie had a secret. She had five kids and would take each one out to dinner each week she stated.

Furthermore her spacious studio and classes included her own family. The Yoga help contain some of 

that energy that may have proven disruptive otherwise

Perhaps other Mom's might subscribe? A Soccer mom can only drop-off their child for practice.

Time can be saved by finding a family sport/art. Jeanie made her point: Parents bring the kids with you. 

The studio etiquette and Yogi discipline   will  take care of the rest. Jeanie was a Yogi. The Pro knew 

how to Pose.

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Thursday, January 23, 2025

                                                                  Miss Perfect 

This week the highlight was the salute to Korea and it's memorial to The Hwarang  Youth Activist

of the Silla Era (circa 600 AD).

The Mystery of the Green Menace Sc-Fi Saga features teen protagonist. One relatable character

is nicknamed Ms. Perfect:

The school class president

Does Cheerleading


Makes all A's

Incidental-Space Travler

Perfect Tina is a product of perfect parenting perhaps?  At five years old

she was given the responsibility of which house or car the family should purchase.

It's related she would place a dinner boycott note under her parent's bedroom door when

ever she was displeased as a child.

Mystery of the Green Menace. Readers will decide which of the team, Rennie, Tina, Mack, or Hopi is

the most "perfect?"


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Spread Your Wings



The names sound exotic: Baqua, GiGong.

They simply imply the Art of Breathing and the Art of Stillness.

They are of Eastern origin but are practiced worldwide.

Baqua is most interesting. The uninitiated would imply, "I breathe, so what?"

To the Baqua practicioner: Breath starts and breath ends the life cycle. With

 its Baqua regime, the initiate simply re-charges daily.

Gi-Gong is the art of stillness. Practitioners may stand alone or in a group and

meditate. No tension nor stress just a cycle of energy release and absorption. There are no

postures either (Sorry Yogi).

Of course, any exercise should be met with a doctor's approval.

One can watch paired Swans swim on a lake together. They have beauty and elegance

on high-class properties worldwide.

Have you seen the elegance and grace of  Tai Chi's: "The White Crane Spread his Wings?".

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Behind the Eight Ball



 Hwarang is a Form early federations practiced in Korean  Martial Arts,

What makes the form interesting is it was named after an uprising by youth. Scholars of

Korea will add an abundance of detail.

There was a successful movie made from Korea titled Hwarang (Circa1921). The plot was 8 males

found love and friendship while espousing a cause.

This was in the Tradition of Knights of the Round Table. But these were youths.

Hwarang is the eighth form taught in early Tang Soo Do. Students would start out practicing basic

forms while Hwarang was the pinnacle. To find a qualified sensei or Dojang (studio specializing in 

Korean studies) was rarer than gold.

Hwarang were 8 youths dissenting during the Silla Period in Korea. Symbolically, Hwarang is

the highest Black Belt Form and was only taught and reviewed by highest rank masters.

Today, we got "Behind the Eight Ball."

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Monday, January 20, 2025

The Snake, The Crane, The Myth



Being perched in the USA  this history-making day it is fitting to present an Eagle. It is a symbol of 

the pride of our nation Perched means one is high-up to take a view of the world landscape.

What's still soaring is the mythical tale: It is a battle between a Snake and a Crane. The Crane is that 

beautiful the long-necked, wide-winged bird featured in Chinese Art.

Interestingly, a form of exercise has been handed down imitating the twists, turns of this

mythical battle. It's called : Tai Chi (Tai Chi Chaun).

The antagonist:

"It's California-styled, it's not authentic"

"It's too tame, people want action"

"It takes years to master"

From the protagonist:

" The Horse head rising to the heavens"

" Cloud hands"

" White Crane Spreads his Wings"

The list goes on. Tai Chi is the complete package: Exercise, Self Defense that can be of benefit

throughout a lifetime. Ignore? Explore?

Meanwhile, what is real is today is a historic day in the USA. Time to soar above the landscape:

The Snake, Crane and the myths.

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Sunday, January 19, 2025

El Toro Bravo

 January is winding down. It just arrived. The next episode (TuffBook -3) is in the works.

The most popular is Mystery of the Green Menace. It will be a tough act to follow. Now one knows how

George (Star Wars) Lucus & Co felt when needed to energize his team for the next Star Wars 


What else?

Opening a parcel of merchandise and noticing a label, it read "made in Mexico". Unpacking further,

one notices a 20-inch (just guessing) strand of hair. Most likely from a female attendant.  No! It's not 

exactly a message in a bottle. No comments about Tariffs or

Immigration either. Just a happy ending, the package arrived. El Toro  Bravo!


Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Art of the Deal vs The Art of War

                                          Art of the Deal vs The Art of War 

His name is Sun Tzu his book the Art of War is studied in Business and Military schools.

Was he that great or did time exaggerate his fame? Was he a political-propaganda tool?

Politics is everything,-everything is politics, we can be sure of.

Past Master Kun (circa 1929) is said to have developed a Iron Palm Strike Technique.


It was said to be so powerful it could demolish 36" of Clay Roofing Tiles.

Was he that strong or was it a propaganda story out of China?

Monday is U.S. Presidential Election Day. Donald J. Trump  ( The Art of the Deal) Many will attend, 

many will avoid and many more will watch because politics is everything, everything is.. politics.

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Interview with a Umpire

                                                                                                            "Nothing happens on the Fo...