Empowering the Next Generation

Thursday, January 23, 2025

                                                                  Miss Perfect 

This week the highlight was the salute to Korea and it's memorial to The Hwarang  Youth Activist

of the Silla Era (circa 600 AD).

The Mystery of the Green Menace Sc-Fi Saga features teen protagonist. One relatable character

is nicknamed Ms. Perfect:

The school class president

Does Cheerleading


Makes all A's

Incidental-Space Travler

Perfect Tina is a product of perfect parenting perhaps?  At five years old

she was given the responsibility of which house or car the family should purchase.

It's related she would place a dinner boycott note under her parent's bedroom door when

ever she was displeased as a child.

Mystery of the Green Menace. Readers will decide which of the team, Rennie, Tina, Mack, or Hopi is

the most "perfect?"


Interview with a Umpire

                                                                                                            "Nothing happens on the Fo...