Empowering the Next Generation

Saturday, March 5, 2022

I'll Be Back

 "I'll be back" is the famous Terminator story line. Restrictions seem to be lifting on masking

so we should be seeing more of our children attending Martial Arts classes. Encourage members

to get their annual check-ups and keep up practice.

Children may grow up living in fear. Both real and imagined. The Martial Arts instills confidence

and pride as they proceed through the ranks. We're human, still fearful  but overpowered by.sense of pride 

and well being. Often parents tell us of the difference they see in their child after accomplishing Martial 

Arts . 

Prospects should visit 2-3 schools before enrolling.

1. Look for experience of teachers including First Aid Certification

2. Class discipline-Are things chaotic or running smooth?

3. Is there a contract or Escape Clause if not happy?

4. If I drop off my child will others be present?

5. It may take a year or more to get Black Belt. Does one have the commitment ?

   Commitment means in the heart not because of the Contract.

Our heroes tell their story with Weaponry. So forgive The Terminator for his weaponry.

Lest we forget or Martial Art theme is basic-Empty Hand Self Protection.

"I'll be Back"  from that thick voice, will always drum.

 Meanwhile, welcome back our kids to the gym.


Interview with a Umpire

                                                                                                            "Nothing happens on the Fo...