Empowering the Next Generation

Sunday, April 9, 2023

                                       Easter & The Five Animals

Legendary Kung Fu is system that relates to five animals:

1) Tiger

2) Leopard

3) Crane

4) Dragon

5) Snake

These animals allegedly noted by Monks to be apex

predators for striking method and speed.

Two Cats make the list , the Dragon combines styles.

The Dragon leaps, seizes and scowls.

It's Easter weekend here in the states.  One can notice how high

the water levels are. Further, creeks have a blue-green hue

from the sunlight. Guess what appeared? Turtles! Not the huge

Tortoise of the Hare and Tortoise speed race fame. Cute, quick ones.

As one nears the creek bank to observe the sunning turtles

they scamper back into the creek. About as swift as our

Five Animal star strikes.

 Thus ends the Five Animal story

Happy Easter!

Interview with a Umpire

                                                                                                            "Nothing happens on the Fo...