Empowering the Next Generation

Monday, February 3, 2025

Disrupter II: Touchdown



                                                                           " I don't run"

                                                                                                        -NFL Coach

The Super Bowl is nearly here. A coach won a game this past season. The media asked,

"Why aren't you celebrating? Your team is running off the field." His response: "I don't run."

He reserves his body for the next adventure perhaps?

Army, Navy Air Force, and Marine (Sempre Fi) Fitness Coaches are in perfect shape. They are

chosen to lead and inspire a winning attitude. Football Head Coaches appear lazy and unfit.

Meanwhile, the players are running like track stars, and "ouch" does not seem to exist.

The Cheerleaders work just as hard as players: They juggle fitness, and family and find  time to "pretty 

up" for the show. They are cheering for higher wages which has been written about. Outdoors, 

youth can be seen tossing footballs regardless of weather. They appear to be waiting for their chance.

The rest of us will be at the end. It's called  "Tailgating."

Stay Tuned                                       Comment                                    Subscribe

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