Empowering the Next Generation

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Hooked On Tyson

 Schools desperate for student bodies overstate things. This may be their style is superior to others.

Others can  argue that point. The point here is it depends. Angie wowed us at a tournament once.

She had vertical kicks and long Blond hair wrapped into a Bun. She had long legs. Beneath her

exhibition was a background in Ballet, she admitted. It was Ballet not Tae Kwon Do that got her

prepared. It was those long legs with Ballet training in her growing years that we  witnessed.

In Tae Kwon Do Fighter ,our guide book we discuss Lanky vs Stocky body types.

Many westerners (Lanky) will never be as good as Jackie Chan of Bruce Lee. They do not have the body 

build. Angie is lanky and talented in her own way-not her schools. The school is the beneficiary.

Then there' Mike Tyson. retired Boxer. He can still knock out a man. This can be stated with

assurance because the side of the head (temple) does not thicken as chest, abs or glutts.

That means Tyson's hook punch from those stocky arms- upside the head is as devastating now as 20 years 


No one style is superior to another. "Come join our school because our style is better" is incorrect.

What is correct is how we differ and use that to our advantage. Tyson's stockiness , Angie's lankiness 

are natural talents .

Most of us are average Joe's (Jane's) 

1.Average height

2. Average weight

3.Average I.Q.

We don't have Shaq O'Neal's or Yah Zee or seven footers in our gyms or for sparring partners. They 

do practice our arts as a side line but do the heavy lifting in Football and Basketball.

The advantages  to being average, "Diddle in the middle"

Most recent  is WNBA Star  Britney Griener. She is a superb athelete with remarkable body build:

6' 9" height

size 17 shoes

7-foot wing span

Who lives the longest, healthiest life?

A) The giant at over 7 foot

B) Joe or Jane average

C) The Dwarf  - excludes Yoda at 24"  tall and 800 years old-pun intended



Saturday, March 5, 2022

I'll Be Back

 "I'll be back" is the famous Terminator story line. Restrictions seem to be lifting on masking

so we should be seeing more of our children attending Martial Arts classes. Encourage members

to get their annual check-ups and keep up practice.

Children may grow up living in fear. Both real and imagined. The Martial Arts instills confidence

and pride as they proceed through the ranks. We're human, still fearful  but overpowered by.sense of pride 

and well being. Often parents tell us of the difference they see in their child after accomplishing Martial 

Arts . 

Prospects should visit 2-3 schools before enrolling.

1. Look for experience of teachers including First Aid Certification

2. Class discipline-Are things chaotic or running smooth?

3. Is there a contract or Escape Clause if not happy?

4. If I drop off my child will others be present?

5. It may take a year or more to get Black Belt. Does one have the commitment ?

   Commitment means in the heart not because of the Contract.

Our heroes tell their story with Weaponry. So forgive The Terminator for his weaponry.

Lest we forget or Martial Art theme is basic-Empty Hand Self Protection.

"I'll be Back"  from that thick voice, will always drum.

 Meanwhile, welcome back our kids to the gym.


Sunday, February 27, 2022

Twitter started nearly two decades ago. Tweeters had to learn what to talk a bout.

One party wrote," you guys must get up at 5:00 a.m. and tweet?" An appropriate response would

at that time would be,' Some get up and write, some get up and read sounds even ?

Things are coming out of hibernation. How would one know this without sight or sound?

The birds chirp and the flower bulbs emerge.

This brings us to todays timeless thought.

                                          "I must have flowers, always and always"

                                                         --- VanGogh

           Quote still resonating  while his works of art commands millions of  USD.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Whale Wars

 They kept us pinned to our seats. Story, installment and a worthy cause. So why was Whale Wars

television episodes cancelled ?

Envy of the military are navy guys. They endure 4 years many, but not all -at sea. A few of our comrades

stay fit in the cramped quarters with exercise-Martial Arts.  No drugs, tobacco or alcohol makes one

feel better or endure like exercise. It helps in the fight against home sickness many believe.

Whale Wars is a story of a civilian fleet of ships stopping Whaling Ships. Their mission is to

save whales. The Captain provides the leadership. There is a evil empire. Jonah, Moby Dick, then

 Whale Wars. There is sure to be an encore.


Friday, February 25, 2022

Another day, Another dollar

 Of course our stars get the most attention. They shine bright and high up in the media.

They should not have to apologize for being  at the right place at the right time.

Mark's story is he was walking the streets as a pedestrian and a producer walking by

asked him if he had interest in movies because of his looks. He went on to make history.

Heard are complaints about being too wealthy and taking Martial Arts. Supposedly paying

for rank instead of putting in the time and grind. No one mentions the expenses Dojo

owners and promoters or " opportunity costs."  The hidden cost of not study or work

instead of attending a tournament. Some participate and do not get renumerated-at first.

Betcha guys like Norris would rather teach a group of bright eyed children eager for their

first belt knowing the first is the most exciting. Like the first bite of ice cream. Later ones

start to lose flavor. Same can be said for belts or ranking.

George Lucus (Star Wars) got an award. He was reminded that the group that sponsored it 

were connected with Steven Spielberg. George said. "Yes! George and I give each other awards

all the time. "

Another day, another dollar.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Covid-19 Battle Royale

 Notice how  masking is disappearing. One shops and clerks may be behind a shield and not masked.

Last channel check, Martial Arts Schools are back in session-lights on and no masks.

We'll survey Sensie to see what they are doing to stay safe while practicing their art.

Some in our Arts family practice on beaches, parks and other outdoor locales. Supposedly

safest of places.

Who is winning the Battle Royal? Covid and its variants or our strong willed Artist?

Groups  practicing those healthy drills bare footed have not been defeated yet.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Look up at the Stars

 Last time we saluted one of our stars.  This time  from the comment section below

let's hear from readers on which one is their favorite and why?

So here it goes,

  Star                                                         Screen Style

Jet Li                                                Kung fu moves, stern character

Chuck Norris                                  Amiable, Spin kicker

Jean Claude Van Damme                Muscle bound, Jumps & Spin Kicks

Wesley Snipes                                 Arsenal of Karate moves

Jackie Chan                                     Acrobat, Comic relief, Kung Fu

Steven Segall                                 Akido, throws, sound effects

Bruce Lee                                       Weaponry, Kicks, Self styled from Kung fu

 * Female & Children Stars to be discussed later


Interview with a Umpire

                                                                                                            "Nothing happens on the Fo...